Dear Friends
Unfortunately, dear Reader, human history has witnessed many gross injustices done to females through the ages. In the olden days in the Arab world when girls were born, they would be silenced soon after their first cry, till the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, put an end to this menace. On the Indian subcontinent, until Raja Ram Mohan Roy and others put an end to it, the unfortunate custom known as “Sati” which demanded that women cast themselves onto their husband’s funeral pyre, persisted for centuries. Nowadays so-called educated and advanced man has gone still farther, and has been choking female foetuses while still in the womb, “the female foeticide”. It must have affected millions of girl babies so far and has naturally created serious gender imbalances in many parts of the world. The contribution of women to the world has been and is still enormous, and was wonderfully summed up by William Ross Wallace in his poem ‘What Rules the World?’ when he wrote that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. It illustrates the influence a mother has on her child and, in the long run, on society itself. From this, we understand that by yielding to her natural maternal instinct to nurture and teach her child, a woman explicitly makes the world a much better place. This puts a great responsibility on the medical fraternity to stop female foeticide, which is nothing short of murder. An antipathy against female children in any society would soon disappear when women are enabled to become strong citizens at par with men. This is possible only by means of education for girls, in every sense of the word. They should be taught self-defence as well, so that the devil’s evil eye remains at bay. A step further towards this goal will be made when society simplifies its customs and offers equal opportunities to all. Only then will this unfortunate male imposed gender inferiority of women disappear from our planet. Destruction of this wonderful creation of the Almighty would soon become a thing of the past.
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